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Chemistry and Chemists № 2 2024

Journal of Chemists-Enthusiasts
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Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)


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Several years ago, an elderly friend retired from the laboratory. I was asked to master the remaining "inherited" reagents. I presented some photos of the reagents in factory packaging on the topic "Photos of reagents" on the forum. Among others, I came across a plastic bottle with light grey powder and the inscription "NaH 90%". I took a sample of the powder from above and added it to water - the solution became alkaline. I decided that the reagent had deteriorated over many years due to air moisture, so I used it for washing dishes. Once again, when added to water, I observed a flash - only the top layer deteriorated.

I decided to make a video of two experiments. When the powder burns in the air, you may notice the formation of sodium droplets for some time.

Гидрид натрия (реакция гидрида натрия с водой и горение на воздухе)
Несколько лет назад один пожилой товарищ уволился из лаборатории. Мне было предложено освоить оставшиеся "в наследство" реактивы. Некоторые в заводской фасовке я представлял в теме "Фото реактивов". Среди прочих попался полиэтиленовый пузырек со светло-серым порошком и надписью "NaH 90%". Пробу порошка взял сверху, добавил в воду - раствор приобрел щелочную реакцию. Решил, что за многие лета реактив испортился от влаги воздуха, поэтому использовал его для мытья посуды. В очередной раз при добавлении в воду наблюдал вспышку - испортился только верхний слой.

Решил снять видео двух экспериментов. При горении порошка на воздухе можно заметить образование капель натрия на некоторое время.

Download the Video (57 Mb, .avi )

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)
Combustion of sodium hydride in air

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)
Reaction of sodium hydride with water

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

Sodium hydride (reaction of sodium hydride with water and combustion in air)

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