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Chemistry and Chemists № 1 2024
Journal of Chemists-Enthusiasts

Chemistry and Chemists
[ Cover PDF ]

Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain... only straw.
Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
L. Frank Baum /The Wizard of Oz/
Chemistry and Chemists

Practical Chemistry and Physics

Flowers change colour: effect of alkalis and acids on plant dyes

The previous parts of the article - see Chemistry and Chemists - №1 2023 [ Link ]

Red apple and ammonia - pt.19 [ Link Pt.19 ]

How to turn red apple into black one - pt.20 [ Link Pt.20 ]

Aster amellus and ammonia - pt.21 [ Link Pt.21 ]

Aster amellus and ammonia (continuation) - pt.22 [ Link Pt.22 ]

Red leaves of Parthenocissus quinquefolia and ammonia - pt.23 [ Link Pt.23 ]

Red leaves of Parthenocissus quinquefolia, acetic acid and ammonia - pt.24 [ Link Pt.24 ]

Red leaf of Quercus rubra (Northern red oak) and ammonia - pt.25 [ Link Pt.25 ]

Burgundy autumn leaves become green (treatment of leaves of Ulmus laevis with ammonia) - pt.26 [ Link Pt.26 ]

Red leaves of Pyrus communis, ammonia and acetic acid - pt.27 [ Link Pt.27 ]

Hedlundia hybrida fruit, ammonia and nitric acid - pt.28 [ Link Pt.28 ]

Pink chrysanthemum and ammonia - pt.29 [ Link Pt.29 ]

Lake water, potassium permanganate and sulfuric acid

Lake water, potassium permanganate and sulfuric acid   [ Link ]

Can chemical compound destroy material of container in which it is kept?

Hydrochloric acid leaks through closed bottle - pt.1 [ Link Pt.1 ]

Ammonia solution destroys plastic bottle - pt.2 [ Link Pt.2 ]

Glacial acetic acid became contaminated due to storage in glass bottle - pt.3 [ Link Pt.3 ]

Reaction of copper metal with acetic acid

Reaction of copper metal with acetic acid - pt.1 [ Link Pt.1 ]

Copper acetate (photos) - pt.2 [ Link Pt.2 ]

Copper acetate, copper sulfate and iron metal - pt.3 [ Link Pt.3 ]

Copper acetate, copper sulfate and zinc metal - pt.4 [ Link Pt.4 ]

Zinc, ammonia and air (reaction of zinc metal with aqueous ammonia and oxygen)

Zinc, ammonia and air (reaction of zinc metal with aqueous ammonia and oxygen) [ Link ]

Horse chestnuts, cologne, emulsion and fluorescence (esculin)

Glowing cologne (cologne under ultraviolet light) - pt.1 [ Link Pt.1 ]

Horse chestnut, ethanol and fluorescence - pt.2 [ Link Pt.2 ]

Horse chestnut, ethyl alcohol and emulsion - pt.3 [ Link Pt.3 ]

Horse chestnut bark, ethanol, water and iron (III) chloride - pt.4 [ Link Pt.4 ]

Horse chestnut bark, ethanol, water and fluorescence - pt.5 [ Link Pt.5 ]

Vegetable oil, ethanol and water (formation of emulsion)

Sunflower oil, ethanol and water (formation of emulsion) - pt.1 [ Link Pt.1 ]

Sunflower oil, alcohol, rhodamine and dichroism - pt.2 [ Link Pt.2 ]

Sunflower oil, ethanol and rhodamine (fluorescence in UV) - pt.3 [ Link Pt.3 ]

Sunflower oil, alcohol, rhodamine and green laser - pt.4 [ Link Pt.4 ]

Castor oil, ethanol and water (oil dissolves in ethyl alcohol) - pt.5 [ Link Pt.5 ]

Let us dissolve water in oil! (Ethanol, castor oil and water) - pt.6 [ Link Pt.6 ]

Castor oil, ethanol and water: emulsion formation - pt.7 [ Link Pt.7 ]

Ethanol, castor oil and sunflower oil - pt.8 [ Link Pt.8 ]

Castor oil, glycerol and ethyl alcohol - pt.9 [ Link Pt.9 ]

Sunflower oil and glycerol - pt.10 [ Link Pt.10 ]

Synthesis of curcumin from vanillin

Synthesis of curcumin from vanillin [ Link ]

Vegetable oils, ammonia and 'inverted' lava lamp

Sunflower oil and ammonia solution - pt.1 [ Link Pt.1 ]

Sunflower oil and ammonia solution - pt.2 [ Link Pt.2 ]

Castor oil and ammonia solution (levitation) - pt.3 [ Link Pt.3 ]

Scientific humour

Humorous stories about science / Юмористические рассказы про науку  [ Link ]

Science fiction

Laboratory named after Brownian motion / Лаборатория имени Броуновского движения  [ Link ]

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